Sugar daddy is a term loosely used to describe a man who may or may not be married who funds the lifestyle of women who are not his wife(s) in exchange for sex and whatever else parties involved in the arrangement agree to.
Sugar daddies are mostly older, and wealthier than the women they enter into a relationship with. The relationship is often transactional. A situation where the man brings all the financial assistance in exchange for consensual sex. They help with fees, rent, bills, clothes, vacations, new gadgets, and much more. Depending on how deep his pocket is and how generous he is, he can do a lot more for the women in his life.
Sugar daddies have done a lot of good for the community just ask around.
- I WISH I MET YOU BEFORE MY WIFE: this group is made up of young, sleek men. They're mostly in their late 30s, so they're still in touch with current happenings and gossip. Wifey is probably pregnant or works out of state, so it's easy for him to stay out late, answer phone calls at odd hours and give you the ultimate baby girl life. Conversation and friendship are easily developed and nurtured with them. They drop hints about how unhappy they are in their union, how liberating it is to be with you, and how much they appreciate the safe space you have created for them. It's very easy to forget that they're married. And when they eventually drop the “I wish I met you before my wife line”, some women fall for it. Please let us be telling the truth.
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Tell the truth and shame the devil |
- LOVERBOY: these are the newly married ones. The most important feature they possess is that they're broke. Your eyes are not deceiving you, they don't have money but they want sugar. And as much as their prospects in terms of sugar babies and women are decreased, they still get that sugar. A lot of women won't tell you that they sleep with married men without any financial taxing at all. After all, we all need love ❤️
- THIS COULD HAVE BEEN US: this group is very unserious. Mostly consists of men that you might have had an affair or relationship with before they got married. They are very strategic with the lies they tell, they are the real supervillains. A call here and there to make sure you're good, a birthday shoutout to remind you that you're a spec, always ensuring to remind you how good things were and how they can be again. The best way to deal with them is to forget or not think too much about the two cute babies he has. Before you know it, you will begin to forget that he left you for his current spouse.
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Men and Audacity |
- Show-Offs: this group will show you proper pepper, they're worse than single guys. They give off a wealthy appearance; drive a nice car, live on a good estate, and have one or kids abroad. You get the vibe. Women who tax married men before any sexual activity ensues, tend to give it up freely with this group. Because they believe what they'll get in the long run is bigger, they relax. Who can deny the great rewards of compound effect? It's when the women have dealt with them for a month going on 2 months, that they realize issa fool, Issa idiot. You've been bested at your own game. Bolt money you didn't collect.
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What kind of clown am I? |
MY MONEY GROWS LIKE GRASS: these are the premium Zaddies. They don't talk too much, they are all about actions and spending money. They are the ultimate goal of every sugar baby. Their beer belly can be bigger than a septic tank, who cares when he always falls asleep in 2 seconds and wires your money. They're the ones who sponsor Dubai trips and Maldives getaways. Hopefully, you make it back without chugging down feces.
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It had to be said |
Just like everything on earth was fashioned into being, sugar daddies are no exception. They are here, they're emboldened and they thrive despite the group they fall under. Let's try and understand the how and why shall we?
The above tweet captures in lay terms the concept of the Madonna whore complex. It's a situation where men group the women in their lives into two groups and these 2 groups can not be intertwined. The first group is the Madonna, (they're pure, chaste, meek, and submissive) and the second group is the whore; they're the side chicks and prostitutes. Since the side chicks are considered to be objects whose main aim is to be sexual tools, the man lets all his desires and kinks out with them. He's free to let himself explore his sexual needs with them, and vice versa. The wives and first place girlfriends are the Madonna's who the man views as pure and therefore is unable to let himself be sexually free.
To put it as simple as possible, it's where a man loves, he can not desire, and where he desires he cannot love. Remember, the two groups are not be intertwined. That is to say, the wife should get used to vanilla sex while she enjoys all the offerings the man bestows on a woman he loves. While the side chicks should never expect any form of affection from the man.
- SOCIETAL APPROVAL: viral tweet where men regretted the choice they made in settling down with their current wives was a sight to behold. Some of the comments might seem hateful, disdainful, and downright horrific when you realize that they feel this way towards the women who have borne kids and in some cases sleep next to them every night. But one thing that was revealed in all the comments was that most of them married who they believed matched societal approval. Societal approval can be family ideals, church criteria, and friendship groups' approval about what a good wife material should be and how she should act. So after marriage to the ideal woman approved by society. They sit and romanticize and fantasize abt life with the kind of woman he truly wants. How life would have been, how good d sex was, and the various shared dreams. Fantasy is all they have going for them.
Fortunately, the same society they sought their approval from also approves of them having extramarital affairs, so it's a win-win for them at this point. Marry the ideal person, go outside your home and be with who want.
- FEAR OF COMING OUT: regardless of what we think and believe in Nigeria concerning homosexuality, the absolute truth and fact remain that “you can't pray the gay out.” Homosexuals exist and are thriving. They know what revealing that they desire their fellow men sexually will mean for them so they keep it to themselves and act accordingly. Revealing their true desires is a matter of life and death. Nigeria has a 14year imprisonment sentence for homosexuals. Nigeria’s religious fanaticism is borderline maniacal. Nigerians are not accepting of homosexuality and will gladly lynch you if that will kill you faster and prevent you from spreading the abomination called homosexuality. Homosexual men marry women and in most cases become fathers while actively pursuing an extra-marital affair with other men with both their nuclear and extended family in the dark about their real sexuality.
- MONEY: at the core of all the reasons for wanting/having a sugar daddy is d old fashioned quest and desire for money. Women want money, lots of it. To afford or to maintain a certain lifestyle or simply to have it in their bank accounts living and breathing. After all “who no like better thing”. They are more financially stable, a higher disposable income than a regular single guy and also a burning desire to feel wanted by women much younger than them. They know you're there for the money, and they eagerly give it.
- DISCREET AFFAIR: women want to have sugar daddies because it's a lot easier to maintain a discreet affair with them. They have a lot to lose too, so they behave and act accordingly. There won't be much issue of your nudes leaking online, he wouldn't want his wife and family to find out, so illicit and explicit contents are deleted almost immediately. They want to remain in the shadows and the background because it affords them privacy and lessens the drama. So a woman can carry on an affair with her sugar daddy for many years and gets married to someone and the man quietly retreats and finds another sugar baby.
- SEX DURATION: men’s libido declines as they age and with that decrease comes a shorter sex session. So women go for them, particularly for this reason. Since the sugar daddies are mostly older men who are affected by this libido drop, they don't stay or last long in bed. The women don't mind this obvious issue, because they aren't there for sexual gratification.
- A SAFE SPACE: when women don't have to perform or live up to any wife material standards, they relax more and let their real unfiltered selves out. The women already know wedding bells won't be rung no matter how long their affair lasts. With this knowledge comes liberating freedom and release of their views, politics, beliefs, fears, etc.
We're not here to debate the moral justification or religious standing or even the matrimonial vow breakage that some believe sugar daddies represent. What we're doing here is recognizing them as men who are living the life that society approves of.
As long as they're willing to provide financially or fill whatever void the people they're having affairs with, there’ll be a person(s) willing to entertain and engage them. After all, life is too difficult to be doing it while broke.
The Madonna whore complex which has many men in a chokehold isn't letting up any time soon, men will continue to marry socially acceptable women, homosexual men will forever hide under the bosom and secrecy that marriage to women offers them, and as long as society condones extramarital affairs done by men, there is little to nothing we can do. Sugar daddies are here to stay and will be for a long time.
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