

 " After all I have done for him, he'll just waste my time like this?" Hmmmmmmmm!! This rhetorical question which is often asked in the absence of the accused man and spoken loudly before friends or to oneself amidst a flood of tears has been a literal thorn in the dating community in Nigeria. Those who believe that women shouldn't build with any man and just position themselves well for enjoyment. To those, who believe all women do in most cases that result in the above statement is “ open leg ” and then later claim they performed miracles by building the man The women who are actual sole providers in their marital homes and relationships are looking at both groups with utter disgust and a sarcastic laugh and a potent headshake as they go about their business. Give them cold Zobo. Rubbish  All relationship situations are different. Couple behaviours, economic opportunities, age factors, personal security, religious leaning, children, etc. all contribute significa...


Sugar daddy is a term loosely used to describe a man who may or may not be married who funds the lifestyle of women who are not his wife(s) in exchange for sex and whatever else parties involved in the arrangement agree to.  Sugar daddies are mostly older, and wealthier than the women they enter into a relationship with. The relationship is often transactional. A situation where the man brings all the financial assistance in exchange for consensual sex. They help with fees, rent, bills, clothes, vacations, new gadgets, and much more. Depending on how deep his pocket is and how generous he is, he can do a lot more for the women in his life.  Sugar daddies have done a lot of good for the community just ask around.   TYPES OF SUGAR DADDIES FOUND IN NIGERIA  I WISH I MET YOU BEFORE MY WIFE: this group is made up of young, sleek men. They're mostly in their late 30s, so they're still in touch with current happenings and gossip. Wifey is probably pregnant or works out of ...


  "I don't like how he makes me feel when he touches me." I'm going to tell her, I'm going to tell her, I chant it like a poem as I get off my bed, eyes red and sore from crying, hair disheveled, and on shaky feet, I head for my aunt's door.  As I made a fist to knock, the door was thrown open “ I have been expecting you” aunty Ohum said. “I heard you sobbing last night, I was wondering if I had to come and pry the information from you” she softly chided as she led me to her bed. She gave me a few minutes to collect myself and asked “what is it Oluchi?” With all the energy and resolve of a cornered rat trying to escape death I blurted out “ I don't like how he makes me feel when he touches me. I don't feel anything when he's buried deep inside me. When he's close to me, I don't want his skin to rub against mine. When he touches me, I recoil in disgust, and I know my actions frustrate and confuse him. I can see the unasked questions on ...


  Why the pretense and lies around sex? “If you let a man shake you, you'll get pregnant” This was all the sex education my mother ever gave to me. Was this sex education effective in the long run or should I have been told the truth at a level I'll understand or was she lacking in the knowledge of what to share with her 11yrs old daughter? After all, you can't give what you don't have. Well, stories have been shared online by several people that let me know that the view shared by my mother and many others is false. The first time I felt my vagina throb was in Jss2 and I was excitedly scribbling in my notebook. I wasn't thinking about sex or consuming any sexual content of any kind but my lady bit was going haywire. Like most girls, I was confused because I didn't understand what was happening to my body . I quickly squeezed my thighs together hoping to ease the incessant beating. It stopped after a few minutes and I continued scribbling. The one feeling tha...